
What is periodontitis?

La periodontitis es una afección dental muy común en la población. Aproximadamente el 40% de los adultos experimentan problemas de salud periodontal, a menudo sin ser conscientes de ello. Esta enfermedad progresa de manera insidiosa, sin manifestar dolor ni señales visibles de alarma, hasta que surgen los primeros indicios, que incluyen el sangrado de las encías, mal aliento y la movilidad dental. Si reconoces alguno de estos síntomas, es posible que estés lidiando con la periodontitis. Identificar y tratar esta condición a tiempo es crucial. Existen medidas de prevención sencillas que puedes adoptar para evitar o detener el avance de la enfermedad periodontal.

Clinical cases Periodontitis

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Bacterial flora and genetic predisposition are the main factors involved. Other factors such as smoking, poor hygiene, certain medications, or systemic diseases can also contribute to it.

Normally teeth have a physiological mobility that is hardly detectable. But it is true that if you have advanced periodontal disease the mobility is much greater, this is due to the loss of tooth support (bone).

Having little bone does not prevent a patient from having an implant. There are various techniques for reconstructing lost bone.

At Clínica Antonio Liñares we perform the most advanced techniques for bone augmentation when the availability of bone is insufficient for implant placement.

Bleeding gums are not normal; bleeding is a sign that the gums are diseased. Gum disease is asymptomatic and can go unnoticed, only being detected when it has already caused significant bone loss.

Periodontal diseases start with gingival bleeding and inflammation of the gums, which turn red. If not stopped at the initial stage, it can lead to periodontitis.

If we suffer from periodontitis and the disease is not controlled, we cannot be treated with orthodontics. It is essential to treat and stabilise the disease. To start orthodontics, the periodontal disease must be under control and periodontal maintenance treatment must be followed, with regular visits to the dentist’s office.

The gum healing process usually takes about 4 months after extraction. If we do not replace the tooth after this time, the neighbouring teeth will slowly start to move.

Primary prevention of oral diseases is based on proper daily hygiene and supervision by a dentist at least 1-2 times a year.


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