Clinical Residencies
in Periodontology

Dentistry specialising in
Periodontics and Implants

At Antonio Liñares Clinic, we offer the opportunity for professionals to participate in internships aimed at gaining in-depth knowledge of our procedures.
Given our exclusive focus on Periodontics and Implants, we establish a prerequisite for participation in our residencies: a minimum theoretical background in Periodontics is required. From there, our clinical internships are open to all professionals who wish to participate, including those with an advanced level of knowledge in this area. 
Furthermore, we provide highly personalized attention, with a maximum of 2 residents in each internship.

As a team, we are committed to optimizing each clinical residency to ensure it is a truly worthwhile experience. In fact, if the resident dentist wishes to delve into specific treatments or protocols, we will coordinate to include them during the stay and meet their needs.

Participation criteria

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The clinic:

Antonio Liñares

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